
Chair of Forest Growth and Yield Science

Research Department Life Science Systems
Technical University of Munich
Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2
D-85354 Freising


Mrs Beate Felsl
Tel.: +49.8161.71.4711
Fax: +49.8161.71.4721
E-Mail: beate.felsl[at]

How to find us

We are mostly in the 2nd floor of the "black finger" in the forestry building / Forstgebäude, building 4277 in B3 Campus-map.

Inside the building, search for a black-tiled wall in the middle of the corridor and go all the way up to the second floor. The secretary office is the second before last room on the left side in the glass corridor. Some people are also on the 2nd floor of the “green finger”, next to the black finger.